Add gazebo environment model to nrp platform


in the environment editor, there is a hint “Environments created for Gazebo and using SDF format are compatible with the Neurorobotics platform”. My question is, how to specifically import my own Gazebo model into NRP platform? I have create an environment object model similar to “Stand Lamp” in Gazebo.



Hi nich,

Here are the steps for a local installation:

  • copy your model folders in $HBP/Models: cp -R my_custom_model $HBP/Models
  • run the command cd $HBP/Models && ./

The second step makes sure your model is available for both gazebo (gzserver) and gzweb.

Best regards,


Hi Luc,

Thanks for your prompt reply. I have installed the nrp from docker. I have done these two steps but still can’t see my model in the server interface (localhost:9000/#/esv-private). I have copied the files into docker container and run the command in the docker. And then restarted the docker. What could be the problem?

Best wishes


Dear Nich,

If you want to see your object in the environment editor, you have to add it to $HBP/ExDFrontend/app/model_library.json and $HBP/ExDFrontend/dist/model_library.json.
And I recommend you write a script to do that from your host PC since this will be erased on every docker image update. (your model is safe though because it is in a persistent docker volume).

Best regards,