Initial camera position fixed on robot


Hi all,

Is it possible to have the camera fixed on the robot by default? (e.g. set it in the .Exc file)

Now I run an experiment with a walking robot and after a while I have to go search for it :slight_smile:




Hi Alexander,

There’s actually a way to manually snap to and follow the robot, but I’m not sure if you can do this by default. In the toolbar, select the camera view with the angle/arrow and it should move to and follow the robot for you:

Hopefully this helps, sorry for the delayed response. You should file a bitbucket feature request/issue to enable this by default for an experiment.



You can set the default camera mode with the, aptly named, “defaultCameraMode” attribute in the .3ds file of the experiment.

In your case “defaultCameraMode”:“lookatrobot” should do.
