native_cell_type not existing after NRP update


Hi everyone,

I have been using the attributes “native_cell_type” and “native_synapse_type” for a while since it was part of Nest and also part of pyNN.nest in the NRP.

Well, I updated the platform and now those attributes do not exist anymore. Any clue about what I can do? Has the Nest installation changed since the last version?

I really need to use them in order to keep working on the NRP so I am really opened for any kind of input.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,



Dear Carlos,

I correct my previous message: we update Nest to 2.12 and PyNN to 0.9 in December 2017.



Hi Axel,

Thanks for your answer. I had a stable version of the platform that was installed in November 2017 where I could use the native cell types that I mentioned before. I recently updated the NRP and that is when I started experiencing problems.

For example, the nest-simulator/SpikingCerebellum module that was supposed to be manually compiled following the instructions from UGR is now available automatically. That module allows you to use native cell types like “iaf_cond_exp_cs” but if you cannot do sim.native_cell_type(‘iaf_cond_exp_cs’) (where sim is from hbp_nrp_cle.brainsim import simulator as sim) I do not know any other way to use the SpikingCerebellum in case I needed it.
However, before the update I was able to do so.
Maybe I am doing something wrong that is why any comment or help would be really appreciated.

Kind regards,
