NRP docker installation. Problems running cle-start


I have figured out that the ECONNREFUSED error is because cle-proxy was looking for health/errors and /simulation on port 8080 but they were being served on port 5000 when launching cle-backend. So instead of launching cle-backed via uwsgi as specified in nrp_aliases I am launching it in the following way:

alias cle-backend= 'PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/.opt/platform_venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages && python $HBP/ExDBackend/hbp_nrp_backend/hbp_nrp_backend/ --port=8080'

This stops the ECONNREFUSED errors but I still get a blank esv-private. These are the logs I get now for cle-start

root@daniel-beast:~# cle-start
[1] 10973
... logging to /root/.ros/log/ce2c1bfc-52d3-11e8-bbf5-0242ac110002/roslaunch-daniel-beast-10973.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server
ros_comm version 1.12.13


 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.13


auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [10984]

setting /run_id to ce2c1bfc-52d3-11e8-bbf5-0242ac110002
[2] 10998
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [10997]
started core service [/rosout]
[ INFO] [1525793029.509392931]: Waiting For connections on
[3] 11043
[INFO] [2018.5.8 15:23:50 /root/NRP/nest-simulator/nestkernel/rng_manager.cpp:226 @ Network::create_rngs_] : Creating default RNGs
[INFO] [2018.5.8 15:23:50 /root/NRP/nest-simulator/nestkernel/rng_manager.cpp:221 @ Network::create_rngs_] : Deleting existing random number generators
[INFO] [2018.5.8 15:23:50 /root/NRP/nest-simulator/nestkernel/rng_manager.cpp:226 @ Network::create_rngs_] : Creating default RNGs
[INFO] [2018.5.8 15:23:50 /root/NRP/nest-simulator/nestkernel/rng_manager.cpp:272 @ Network::create_grng_] : Creating new default global RNG

              -- N E S T --

  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
  Version 2.12.0 May  4 2018 17:30:15

This program is provided AS IS and comes with
NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for details.

Problems or suggestions?

Type '' to find out more about NEST.
CSAConnector: libneurosim support not available in NEST.
Falling back on PyNN's default CSAConnector.
Please re-compile NEST using --with-libneurosim=PATH
[4] 11051
2018-05-08 15:23:51,610 [MainThread  ] [hbp_nrp_cles] [WARNING]  Could not write to specified logfile or no logfile specified, logging to stdout now!
2018-05-08 15:23:51,860 [Thread-3    ] [rospy.intern] [INFO]  topic[/rosout] adding connection to [/rosout], count 0
[INFO] [2018.5.8 15:23:52 /root/NRP/nest-simulator/nestkernel/rng_manager.cpp:226 @ Network::create_rngs_] : Creating default RNGs
[INFO] [2018.5.8 15:23:52 /root/NRP/nest-simulator/nestkernel/rng_manager.cpp:221 @ Network::create_rngs_] : Deleting existing random number generators
[INFO] [2018.5.8 15:23:52 /root/NRP/nest-simulator/nestkernel/rng_manager.cpp:226 @ Network::create_rngs_] : Creating default RNGs
[INFO] [2018.5.8 15:23:52 /root/NRP/nest-simulator/nestkernel/rng_manager.cpp:272 @ Network::create_grng_] : Creating new default global RNG

              -- N E S T --

  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
  Version 2.12.0 May  4 2018 17:30:15

This program is provided AS IS and comes with
NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for details.

Problems or suggestions?

Type '' to find out more about NEST.
CSAConnector: libneurosim support not available in NEST.
Falling back on PyNN's default CSAConnector.
Please re-compile NEST using --with-libneurosim=PATH
[5] 11072
registered capabilities (classes):
 - rosbridge_library.capabilities.call_service.CallService
 - rosbridge_library.capabilities.advertise.Advertise
 - rosbridge_library.capabilities.publish.Publish
 - rosbridge_library.capabilities.subscribe.Subscribe
 - <class 'rosbridge_library.capabilities.defragmentation.Defragment'>
 - rosbridge_library.capabilities.advertise_service.AdvertiseService
 - rosbridge_library.capabilities.service_response.ServiceResponse
 - rosbridge_library.capabilities.unadvertise_service.UnadvertiseService
2018-05-08 15:23:52,698 [MainThread  ] [hbp_nrp_back] [WARNING]  Could not write to specified logfile or no logfile specified, logging to stdout now!
2018-05-08 15:23:52,698 [MainThread  ] [hbp_nrp_back] [INFO]  Starting the REST backend server now ...
 * Serving Flask app "hbp_nrp_backend.rest_server" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
[INFO] [1525793032.784221, 0.000000]: Rosbridge WebSocket server started on port 9090
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Polling Backend Servers for Experiments, Health & Running Simulations every 5000 ms.
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Listening on port: 8443
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/benchmark_p3dx/BenchmarkPioneer.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/braitenberg_husky_distributed_music/ExDDistributedBrainHuskyMUSIC.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/braitenberg_husky_distributed/ExDDistributedBrainHusky.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/braitenberg_husky_sbc/ExDBraitenbergHuskySBC.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/braitenberg_husky_holodeck/ExDXMLExample_holodeck.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/braitenberg_husky_spinnaker/HuskySpinnaker.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/braitenberg_husky/ExDXMLExample.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/braitenberg_lauron_sbc/ExDBraitenbergLauronSBC.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/braitenberg_lauron/ExDBraitenbergLauron.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/braitenberg_mouse_holodeck_lab/ExDBraitenbergMouseHoloLab.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/braitenberg_mouse_lab/ExDBraitenbergMouseLab.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/braitenberg_mouse/ExDBraitenbergMouse.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/cdp1_mouse_holodeck/ExDMouseCDP1_holodeck.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/cdp1_mouse_tactile/ExDMouseCDP1_tactile.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/cdp1_mouse/ExDMouseCDP1.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/demo_dvs_icub/ExDDvsIcub.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/demo_manipulation/ExDDemoManipulation.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/demo_husky_sbc/ExDDemoHuskySBC.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/demo_mouse_lab/ExDMouseLabExample.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/docked_mouse/ExDDockedMouse.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/dvs_robot_head/ExDDvsRobotHead.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/interactive_manipulation/ExDInteractiveManipulation.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/manipulation_force_holodeck/ExDManipulationForce_holodeck.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/manipulation_force/ExDManipulationForce.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/manipulation_holodeck/ExDManipulation_holodeck.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/manipulation_RL/ExDManipulationRL.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/manipulation/ExDManipulation.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/multiple_robots_tutorial/MultipleRobots.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/myoarm_nst/Myo_NST.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/myoarm_small/Myo_small.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/nao/ExDNao.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/neuronal_red_detection_holodeck/NeuronalRedDetection_Husky_holodeck.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/neuronal_red_detection/NeuronalRedDetection_Husky.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/retina_icub/ExDRetinaICubTrackingRG.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/retina_mockup/ExDRetinaICubMockup.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/roboy/roboy.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/screen_switching_holodeck/ScreenSwitchingHuskyExperiment_holodeck.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/screen_switching/ScreenSwitchingHuskyExperiment.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/template_husky_timeout/ExDTemplateHuskyTimeout.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/spinnaker_example/ExDSpiNNakerExample.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/template_husky/ExDTemplateHusky.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/template_icub_holodeck/ExDTemplateICubHolodeck.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/template_icub/ExDTemplateICub.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/template_lauron_docked/ExDTemplateDockedLauron.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/template_lauron/ExDTemplateLauron.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/template_mouse/ExDTemplateMouseV2.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/template_mmm/ExDTemplateMMM.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/template_manipulation/ExDTemplateManipulation.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/template_new/TemplateNew.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/template_pioneer/ExDTemplatePioneer.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/tigrillo_CPG/ExDTigrilloCPG.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/tutorial_baseball_exercise/ExDTutorialBaseballExercise.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/tutorial_baseball_solution/ExDTutorialBaseballSolution.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/tutorial_tensorflow_husky/TensorFlowTutorial.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/user-avatar_test-environment/user-avatar_test-env.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/visual_tracking_icub_holodeck/ExDVisualTrackingICub_holodeck.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/visual_tracking_icub/ExDVisualTrackingICub.exc
2018-05-08 15:23:52 UTC Parsing experiment file /root/NRP/Experiments/zip_robot/ExDXMLExampleRobotZip.exc
2018-05-08 15:28:52,792 [Thread-5    ] [hbp_nrp_back] [INFO]  Start cleanup

and for cle-frontend

root@daniel-beast:~/NRP/ExDFrontend# cle-frontend
Running "serve" task
(node:11162) ExperimentalWarning: The http2 module is an experimental API.

Running "version:test" (version) task

Running "clean:server" (clean) task
>> 2 paths cleaned.

Running "copy:fontawesome" (copy) task
Copied 6 files

Running "copy:gz3dImages" (copy) task
Copied 7 files

Running "wiredep:app" (wiredep) task

Running "wiredep:test" (wiredep) task

Running "wiredep:sass" (wiredep) task

Running "concurrent:server" (concurrent) task

    Running "compass:server" (compass) task
    directory .tmp/components/brain-visualizer
        write .tmp/components/brain-visualizer/ (0.012s)
    directory .tmp/components/client-logger/log-adverts
        write .tmp/components/client-logger/log-adverts/ (0.002s)
    directory .tmp/components/client-logger/log-console
        write .tmp/components/client-logger/log-console/ (0.003s)
    directory .tmp/components/dynamic-view-overlay
        write .tmp/components/dynamic-view-overlay/ (0.003s)
    directory .tmp/components/dynamic-view
        write .tmp/components/dynamic-view/ (0.002s)
    directory .tmp/components/editor-toolbar
        write .tmp/components/editor-toolbar/ (0.006s)
    directory .tmp/components/editors/brain-editor
        write .tmp/components/editors/brain-editor/ (0.003s)
        write .tmp/components/editors/ (0.01s)
    directory .tmp/components/editors/environment-editor
        write .tmp/components/editors/environment-editor/ (0.013s)
    directory .tmp/components/editors/state-machine-editor
        write .tmp/components/editors/state-machine-editor/ (0.001s)
    directory .tmp/components/editors/transfer-function-editor
        write .tmp/components/editors/transfer-function-editor/ (0.023s)
        write .tmp/components/editors/transfer-function-editor/ (0.009s)
    directory .tmp/components/environment-rendering
        write .tmp/components/environment-rendering/ (0.013s)
    directory .tmp/components/environment-settings
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.016s)
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.016s)
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.019s)
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.013s)
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.014s)
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.017s)
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.001s)
    directory .tmp/components/experiment-explorer
        write .tmp/components/experiment-explorer/ (0.02s)
    directory .tmp/components/help-tooltip/popover
        write .tmp/components/help-tooltip/popover/ (0.007s)
    directory .tmp/components/joint-plot
        write .tmp/components/joint-plot/ (0.004s)
    directory .tmp/components/object-inspector
        write .tmp/components/object-inspector/ (0.016s)
    directory .tmp/components/performance-monitor
        write .tmp/components/performance-monitor/ (0.001s)
    directory .tmp/components/robot-components
        write .tmp/components/robot-components/ (0.001s)
    directory .tmp/components/robot-documentation
        write .tmp/components/robot-documentation/ (0.003s)
    directory .tmp/components/ros-terminal
        write .tmp/components/ros-terminal/ (0.004s)
    directory .tmp/components/spike-train
        write .tmp/components/spike-train/ (0.004s)
    directory .tmp/components/tip-tooltip
        write .tmp/components/tip-tooltip/ (0.004s)
    directory .tmp/components/user-interaction
        write .tmp/components/user-interaction/ (0.001s)
    directory .tmp/styles
        write .tmp/styles/admin.css (0.001s)
    directory .tmp/styles/esv
        write .tmp/styles/esv/camera-view.css (0.004s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/demo-experiments.css (0.015s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/demo-waiting-message.css (0.003s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/esv-web.css (0.02s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/experiment-view.css (0.003s)root@daniel-beast:~/NRP/ExDFrontend# cle-frontend
Running "serve" task
(node:11162) ExperimentalWarning: The http2 module is an experimental API.

Running "version:test" (version) task

Running "clean:server" (clean) task
>> 2 paths cleaned.

Running "copy:fontawesome" (copy) task
Copied 6 files

Running "copy:gz3dImages" (copy) task
Copied 7 files

Running "wiredep:app" (wiredep) task

Running "wiredep:test" (wiredep) task

Running "wiredep:sass" (wiredep) task

Running "concurrent:server" (concurrent) task

    Running "compass:server" (compass) task
    directory .tmp/components/brain-visualizer
        write .tmp/components/brain-visualizer/ (0.012s)
    directory .tmp/components/client-logger/log-adverts
        write .tmp/components/client-logger/log-adverts/ (0.002s)
    directory .tmp/components/client-logger/log-console
        write .tmp/components/client-logger/log-console/ (0.003s)
    directory .tmp/components/dynamic-view-overlay
        write .tmp/components/dynamic-view-overlay/ (0.003s)
    directory .tmp/components/dynamic-view
        write .tmp/components/dynamic-view/ (0.002s)
    directory .tmp/components/editor-toolbar
        write .tmp/components/editor-toolbar/ (0.006s)
    directory .tmp/components/editors/brain-editor
        write .tmp/components/editors/brain-editor/ (0.003s)
        write .tmp/components/editors/ (0.01s)
    directory .tmp/components/editors/environment-editor
        write .tmp/components/editors/environment-editor/ (0.013s)
    directory .tmp/components/editors/state-machine-editor
        write .tmp/components/editors/state-machine-editor/ (0.001s)
    directory .tmp/components/editors/transfer-function-editor
        write .tmp/components/editors/transfer-function-editor/ (0.023s)
        write .tmp/components/editors/transfer-function-editor/ (0.009s)
    directory .tmp/components/environment-rendering
        write .tmp/components/environment-rendering/ (0.013s)
    directory .tmp/components/environment-settings
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.016s)
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.016s)
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.019s)
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.013s)
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.014s)
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.017s)
        write .tmp/components/environment-settings/ (0.001s)
    directory .tmp/components/experiment-explorer
        write .tmp/components/experiment-explorer/ (0.02s)
    directory .tmp/components/help-tooltip/popover
        write .tmp/components/help-tooltip/popover/ (0.007s)
    directory .tmp/components/joint-plot
        write .tmp/components/joint-plot/ (0.004s)
    directory .tmp/components/object-inspector
        write .tmp/components/object-inspector/ (0.016s)
    directory .tmp/components/performance-monitor
        write .tmp/components/performance-monitor/ (0.001s)
    directory .tmp/components/robot-components
        write .tmp/components/robot-components/ (0.001s)
    directory .tmp/components/robot-documentation
        write .tmp/components/robot-documentation/ (0.003s)
    directory .tmp/components/ros-terminal
        write .tmp/components/ros-terminal/ (0.004s)
    directory .tmp/components/spike-train
        write .tmp/components/spike-train/ (0.004s)
    directory .tmp/components/tip-tooltip
        write .tmp/components/tip-tooltip/ (0.004s)
    directory .tmp/components/user-interaction
        write .tmp/components/user-interaction/ (0.001s)
    directory .tmp/styles
        write .tmp/styles/admin.css (0.001s)
    directory .tmp/styles/esv
        write .tmp/styles/esv/camera-view.css (0.004s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/demo-experiments.css (0.015s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/demo-waiting-message.css (0.003s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/esv-web.css (0.02s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/experiment-view.css (0.003s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/pop-over-viewer.css (0.002s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/reset-checklist-template.css (0.001s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/ros-reconnecting.css (0.003s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/video-streams.css (0.01s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/widget-popup.css (0.006s)
        write .tmp/styles/home.css (0.015s)
        write .tmp/styles/main.css (9.982s)
        write .tmp/styles/resizeable.css (0.002s)
        write .tmp/styles/splash.css (0.007s)
        write .tmp/styles/support.css (0.004s)


    Execution Time (2018-05-08 15:25:33 UTC-0)
    compass:server  10.8s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 100%
    Total 10.8s(node:11178) ExperimentalWarning: The http2 module is an experimental API.

Running "autoprefixer:dist" (autoprefixer) task
>> 47 autoprefixed stylesheets created.

Running "connect:livereload" (connect) task
Started connect web server on http://localhost:9001

Running "watch" task

        write .tmp/styles/esv/pop-over-viewer.css (0.002s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/reset-checklist-template.css (0.001s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/ros-reconnecting.css (0.003s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/video-streams.css (0.01s)
        write .tmp/styles/esv/widget-popup.css (0.006s)
        write .tmp/styles/home.css (0.015s)
        write .tmp/styles/main.css (9.982s)
        write .tmp/styles/resizeable.css (0.002s)
        write .tmp/styles/splash.css (0.007s)
        write .tmp/styles/support.css (0.004s)


    Execution Time (2018-05-08 15:25:33 UTC-0)
    compass:server  10.8s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 100%
    Total 10.8s(node:11178) ExperimentalWarning: The http2 module is an experimental API.

Running "autoprefixer:dist" (autoprefixer) task
>> 47 autoprefixed stylesheets created.

Running "connect:livereload" (connect) task
Started connect web server on http://localhost:9001

Running "watch" task

You mentioned that there are docker images that you use. Could I download them and run those locally instead?


I’ve also ran the python tests for ExDBackend which all return correct. Then I run cle-backend and try to connect with it via the browser by going to:

localhost:8080/health/errors which returns {"state": "OK", "errors": 0, "simulations": 0}
localhost:8080/simulations which returns []

Does this confirm correct operation of backend? or are there other sites being served?


Pinging this topic regarding whether a docker image is already available and/or who can I contact for help with debugging this installation


Dear Daniel,

First, the whole confusion about ports 5000 and 8080 is because the backend is indeed runnning on 5000 (default port in but nginx is forwarding it to 8080 through uwsgi (see /etc/nginx/conf.d/). From the outside, the port to access the backend is then 8080 indeed.

Now, about the docker images, we do use some for our own server deployment. I am not sure you can use them since they are hardly documented and tailored for our servers. Though, you can get them from if you really want.

For your information, we will very soon release proper images for end-users, as our most recent feature updates enable now to run the platform without having to hack in the docker container itself anymore.

If you requested an NRP full access over, you will be pinged when this happens.

Best regards,


Dear Daniel,

I would like to switch our docker image back to private, since it is not intended for end users yet.
Please tell me when you have downloaded it. I will switch it to private at the latest on Thursday.

Best regards


Dear Axel,

Thanks for the links. If end-user images are going to be released soon I can wait for those so I don’t spend too much time getting the current images running. Thanks for the reply!

Best regards,


Dear Daniel,

This was a bit longer, but finally the images and the install script are there. Please follow the link on the “Local Install” button at It should install smoothly on every linux brand.



Is there any resources to see if I can integrate MATLAB with NRP using ROS terminal? Matlab does support ROS and Gazebo via Robotics System Toolbox. Since Controls System are easier to design and verify in MATLAB, I looking forward to what wonders it could bring to NRP.



Indeed, the installation ran very smoothly.
Logging onto the platform also works quite as expected.

But in the end, starting a previously cloned simulation yields the following error:

Unknown Error
An error occured. Please try again later. (host:






No server can handle your simulation at the moment. Please try again later


at l (http://localhost:9000/scripts/vendor.95425b4e.js:59:13038)
at error (http://localhost:9000/scripts/vendor.95425b4e.js:59:14360)
at controller (http://localhost:9000/scripts/vendor.95425b4e.js:59:27830)
at g (http://localhost:9000/scripts/vendor.95425b4e.js:4:23431)
at Anonymous function (http://localhost:9000/scripts/vendor.95425b4e.js:5:18240)
at Anonymous function (http://localhost:9000/scripts/vendor.95425b4e.js:55:6496)
at h (http://localhost:9000/scripts/vendor.95425b4e.js:6:8164)
at Anonymous function (http://localhost:9000/scripts/vendor.95425b4e.js:6:8346)
at o.prototype.$eval (http://localhost:9000/scripts/vendor.95425b4e.js:6:15818)
at o.prototype.$digest (http://localhost:9000/scripts/vendor.95425b4e.js:6:14287)

Latest version of Docker for Windows x64.


Oh, you’re on Windows. We do not support this platform yet, though in theory docker should.
If it says “No server can handle your simulation” it means your backend container isn’t properly started. Did you make sure that the 8080 port was free before starting it? You can try to access the backend directly by giving the url:
It should show you the whole REST API of the backend. If this fails, your backend (nrp container) isnt reachable.



Thank you for your response.

Port 8080 is free when the containers are not up, and when they are up, nginx responds.
The installation script also confirms that both ports, 8080 and 9000, are available for use.

And the link shows me the website, you described:

spec : Auto generated API docs by flask-restful-swagger […]

What could the problem be?

EDIT: Serverstatus:

The developer console of the browser provides the following error message:

CRIPT12029: SCRIPT12029: WebSocket Error: Network Error 12029, A connection with the server could not be established

[object Object]: {config: Object, data: null, headers: function ©{if(b||(b=Db(a)),c){var d=b[Nd©];return void 0===d&&(d=null),d}return b}, human_readable: “An error occured. Please try again later.”, server: “”…}

[object Object]: {config: Object, data: null, headers: function ©{if(b||(b=Db(a)),c){var d=b[Nd©];return void 0===d&&(d=null),d}return b}, human_readable: “An error occured. Please try again later.”, server: “”…}

Error connecting to websocket server (ws:// [object Event]


Dear Andi,

There seems to be an issue with Edge and windows when using loopback websockets:

You can try one of the workarounds thereup, or try with another browser, like Firefox or Chrome.
We’ll give it a try on a windows machine here too.

By the way, how did you run the bash script? Did you install some sort of Cygwin or gnu tools in windows?




unfortunately I already tried to use nrp with Opera and Chrome, too (with the same errors), and the workaround did not change the situation in Edge.

Regarding the execution of the bash script, I just used the WSL with Ubuntu and made small changes to the script:
I replaced

$DOCKER_CMD restart $container && docker exec $container bash -c "sudo /etc/init.d/supervisor start" 


$DOCKER_CMD restart $container && $DOCKER_CMD exec $container bash -c "sudo /etc/init.d/supervisor start" 

and supplemented docker and docker-compose with the .exe file-endings:


Finally I added the following before the first access to docker:

export PATH="$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" 
export PATH="$PATH:/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Docker/Docker/resources/bin" 

Thank you for your effort Axel.


Thanks to you for your feedback on Windows. As said, we’ll give a try on our side too.
I updated the script with your $DOCKER_CMD fix, which means that your script might auto update and you might have to redo the “.exe” thingy.



Dear Andi,

I managed to get to the same point as you on a windows PC. I think the problem is that in linux we set a docker net to connect to the backend (nrp) container over In the installer script:

$DOCKER_CMD network create -d bridge --subnet --gateway dockernet

This seems not to work on windows.

The reason why we do this is that we need to access nrp container ports from the other frontend container, and as they are mapped to host, basically we need to access the host’s ports. And that is how people do it:

Though, we might change this and use instead docker IPs (172.17…). Will give it a try.



Dear Andi,

I fixed the problem by changing the docker network to a proper private dockernet as mentioned in the last post.
Though, there is a manual step to perform on WIndows, which is documented in the install page at and which is to run add a route to Windows to access the containers.

  • Download the latest installer script from this same install page, reconfigure it with “docker.exe” instead of “docker”.
  • Run the installer script in update mode
./ update
  • open PowerShell as Administrator and run
route add MASK
if you did not change the subnet variable in the installer script.

You should be able to launch a simulation now.



Dear Axel,

Could you please provide a Dockerfile?
I’d like to build an image based on the nvidia/cuda image to be able to use tensorflow with gpu.

I’ve seen nvidia tag for hbpneurorobotics/nrp, but it’s 3 months old.

Best Regards,


Dear Fedor,

Sure, here are the Dockerfiles that we use right now (they are constantly updated, so don’t keep the link for future use since it will get outdated):

The process to create the nrp and frontend image is as follow:

mkdir nrpDocker && cd nrpDocker
# untar these Dockerfiles here
tar xzf nrpDocker.tgz
# erase-all selected images
docker rmi -f  # e.g., nrp_base, nrp_gazebo, nrp_backend, nrp
# Alternatively erase all images
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
# source environment variables
source env.source
# build the backend image
docker-compose -f backend.yml build --no-cache
# build the frontend image
docker-compose -f frontend.yml build --no-cache

Can you submit us back your findings with regards to cuda and tensorflow support? That would be super helpful!



Dear Fedor, any news on the CUDA-Tensorflow aware docker images?


Hi Axel,

Thank you for the provided information. I was busy for these couple of weeks, so just starting this project :slight_smile:
My target goal is image based on with current version of Tensorflow Object Detection API (I have it already running in non-GPU container) and “TensorFlow Husky Braitenberg Experiment” running on GPU.

I’ll keep you informed about any news and questions.

Thank you again