Precise onset and offset on DC_Source mapping



I need to send a strong inhibitory signal that lasts a few milliseconds (from 4.0 ms to 15 ms) to a layer in my neural network. However, the transfer function tick time is 20 ms.

I thought something like this could do the trick (the three last lines of the TF are the trick):

@nrp.MapSpikeSource(‘groupDampInput’, nrp.map_neurons(range(nrp.config.brain_root.nOrinrp.config.brain_root.oriRowsnrp.config.brain_root.oriCols), lambda i: nrp.brain.V2Layer23Int[i]), nrp.dc_source, amplitude=0.0)
@nrp.MapVariable( ‘isGrouping’, scope=nrp.GLOBAL, initial_value=False)
def LAM2_trigger_groups(t, groupDampInput, isGrouping):

# Triggers grouping mechanism after a saccade
if isGrouping.value:
    # Parameters initialization
    nOri      = nrp.config.brain_root.nOri
    nRows     = nrp.config.brain_root.oriRows
    nCols     = nrp.config.brain_root.oriCols
    dampInput = nrp.config.brain_root.dampingInput
    # Damping delays for maximum 8 orientations
    dampingDelays = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0]  # in ms
    # Send the grouping signal for each orientation
    for k in range(nOri):
        if dampingDelays[k] > 0.0:
            for i in range(k*nRows*nCols,(k+1)*nRows*nCols):
                groupDampInput[i].amplitude = -dampInput
                groupDampInput[i].start     = t*1000.0  # TF time (t) is in seconds, but "start" time is in ms
                groupDampInput[i].stop      = t*1000.0+dampingDelays[k]

But this did not work… Actually the amplitude is set successfully, but the inhibitory input just never stops.

Anyone has an idea of why this fails, or of how I could go around the tick time problem?

Thanks a lot for any help!

Spike Injection in the NRP

Hi Alban,

You can customize the NRP timestep in the bibi file with the following tag:

sets it to 500 ms for example.

Hope this helps


Hi Alban,

I would also point out, maybe the DC source is not what you need for this purpose.
You can check out the other possibilities there:

There’s a but I am not sure if this works, I think it has not been used in a while.


@vonarnim ok thanks: do you think it will have an huge effect on simulation performance? to be really precise, I would need a 1ms second precision

@jacques cool! what I want is to mimic exactly the NEST version of my neural network. So I need a DCSource. But of course, the same behaviour could be retrieved with a spike generator.

I still have a question… do you have any idea why the solution presented in my first post does not work? Why is the DCSource.stop parameter not taken into account? I thought that PyNN running in the background had its own simulation time step (1ms for me)?

Thanks for the help in any case


1ms will most certainly not work properly and have huge task switching kind of overhead. But you can try it and report here.