Reset (part of) simulation in VC


Dear community,

Is it possible to reset a simulation (or part of a simulation such as robot position) using the virtual coach?

Reason I ask is that

  1. Not relaunching the experiment could save some overhead when repeating simulations with small modifications (e.g. in an evolutionary search)

  2. Currently I relaunch the experiment for each simulation, but it gives an error after several 100 experiments (as reported here : )


Hi Alexander,

Yes reset is now possible if you have the latest Virtual Coach code, with the command sim.reset(<type>), where <type> is:

  • 'full - Reset everything just as though you launched the simulation.
  • ‘robot_pose’ - Reset just the robot position
  • ‘world’ - Reset the environment (not the robot)
  • ‘brain’ - Reload the brain

You can read the more detailed descriptions in the frontend. @mahmoudakl can probably help answer any specific questions you may have.


PS The simulation reset CSV line issue has been resolved in master now as well.


Also, while the documentation is still being updated you can refer to $HBP/VirtualCoach/examples/integration_test/ which contains all of the currently supported VirtualCoach commands (with descriptions/comments) tested against a running backend. See the README for details.


One last tip, make sure your timeout in the .exc file is super, super huge if you’ll be running this experiment and resetting it over a weekend or similar.


Hi Kenny,

I pulled the latest VC code, but it complains about the config.json file, which seems not updated…



The config.json is managed separately in the user-scripts repository. You can pull that repository and manually copy config_files/VirtualCoach/config.json over or run $HBP/user-scripts/configure_nrp (which will override/update all of the NRP config files).

There’s also an update_nrp script in there that can be used to update all of your NRP repos in a single command.


Thanks Kenny,

Is this documented somewhere? Then I could perhaps have found out myself : )



I’ll tag @mahmoudakl who is working on the first draft of the documentation to make sure to include a description of how the config file is managed and how to properly update it.
