Segmentation Fault (core dump) with the NRP update


Today, I’ve updated the NRP and I have this problem. When I am going to launch an experiment I have the next message error “Error while loading some assets”. I believe that this problem is due to gzserver and I am going to go to the gzserver folder, execute the next command “./ -m local” and I got the segmentation fault error. I don’t know how to fix it since I have the nvidia driver in my computer and this was the solution that NRP guide says. Does anyone know how to fix it?


Hi Carlos

Do you have the segmentation fault when running ./ or do you have it while running an experiment?

I also updated my platform 2 days ago and had random segmentation faults from time to time when I was running experiments, but I updated and rebuilt the large repos (Gazebo, OpenSim, GazeboRosPackages, Nest and so on) which are not updated with the user scripts, and it does not happen anymore.


I have the error when running ./ When I launch some experiment, the NRP don’t load the assets but the segmentation fault appear when I run the ./ scrip


Ok that’s interesting - at what stage of the deploy process does it happen?

You can try to clean node_modules and other build dirs:

rm -rf node_modules build gzbridge/build http bower_components


This doesn’t fix the problem. Do you know why?


It would be easier to help you if you could copy and paste the command you run & the error you have :wink:


I excute in the gzweb folder this:
./ -m local

and I have the next error
“./tools/ line 6: 6450 Segmentation fault (core dumped) gzserver -s $DIR/ --propshop-save “$ASSETS/${dir##/}/thumbnails" --propshop-model "$ASSETS/${dir##/}/noplugins.sdf””



One step before that you have to run the ./create_symlinks script in the $NRP/Models repo. After that you should run the deploy script with the -m local option. Normally you do not have to care about the segmentation faults. One check to see if the assets are there is to check that $NRP/gzweb/http/client/assets/ are the same like the ones in NRP/Models