[SOLVED] Referencing a neuron's ID from a TF


I am looking for a way to obtain the ID number of a neuron in a transfer function in the NRP. For example, I have a few populations and want to get the ID of the first neuron in one of the populations. Or I have a spike source or spike sink and want to get all the neurons the device is connected to. I cannot find a way to do this and would be grateful for your help.
Best regards,
Mikołaj Miękus


Ok, I can see that I can do this with nrp.config.brain_root.population_name, but I doubt that this is “the proper way”?


Hello Mikołaj,

Inside the body of a TF, you can indeed access the module of the brain script with nrp.config.brain_root.

I’d suggest you to keep any brain-related code in the brain script and then accessing it, from the body of a TF, with nrp.config.brain_root.foo()



Ok, thank you.